Tuesday, August 7, 2007

House and Senate on Break

Our U.S. Senators and Congressmen are on their August break. You might see them around your district. We, the people expected change after the 2006 election, and the rumors going around are that the Democrats have rolled over and have not been effective since they have become a majority.

But, we, the people rolled over. We only gave the Democrats a simple majority, not an overriding majority. For the Democrats to be effective against the onslaught of warmongering predatory capitalists, an overriding majority is needed, a better than two-thirds majority that can override a Presidential veto or some other arcane parliamentary procedure.

So we have nothing to complain about but our own inability to elect an effective majority of legislators different from those who dominated our government for the last six years.


Anonymous said...

I saw a note on atheists.org/blogspot and wanted to know if it was you. I was born in raised in Morris Illinois and my family is from Lincoln. I'm sorry you lost your job and ashamed of my fellow Illinoisians. I'm in Round Rock Texas now.

Fred Slocombe said...

Yes it was me. Thank you for your response.