Friday, December 7, 2012

Religion, Transferrence and Projection

The adoption of atheism occurs naturally from gaining knowledge about the universe, some of the most potent knowledge is not only through the study of evolutionary biology and anthropology, but also through studies relating to human behavior, such as neurology, psychology, psychiatry, etc.

When we become too old or too large to be carried and coddled by our parents like we were when we were infants and toddlers, an emotional deficit is created in our brains, and we habitually find a solution that will stimulate an appropriate amount of dopamine to make up the difference. It's easy to create fictional parents and convince ourselves that these fictional parents will always love and protect us forever and ever, in the absence or simply the small distance of our real parents.

Institutions long ago, I mean thousands of years ago, figured out how to capitalize on Transferrence. They organized a strategy that would cause you to transfer to their care, the rituals and symbols necessary to trigger your infantile emotional responses, thus making you dependent upon them for emotional well-being.

These institutions also capitalized on the human tendency for Projection. The use of projection is instrumental to the vilification of anyone not a close-knit member to your group. One example is the War on Christmas. Christians claim it's their holiday, when in fact, the holiday is really the celebration of the coming longer days that precede Spring, "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti," meaning "the birthday of the unconquered sun." The Christians took over the holiday and called it Christmas. They claimed that Christ was born around that time, which they can't prove definitively happened at that time, if at all.

It's the same situation with Easter which marks the Spring Equinox. Most Christian holidays simply coincide on important seasonal changes that affect everyone else too, but they have co-opted the holidays and continue to attempt to socially exclude others by placing their nativity scenes on government property, and complaining about shopping centers that won't decorate with Christian symbols and phrases like "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Lazy Brain

Qualifications for atheism are going to get much more strict, because there are too many self-proclaimed atheists out there who have not gained control over their own operant conditioning. Atheism requires a complete adoption of the scientific method of inquiry. You must question your own first impressions of everything around you. Learn the fallacies of argumentation and the effects of groupthink.

The denial of a deity is only the first step. You must cleanse your mind of lazy brain habits associated with countless generations of religious cultural influence. Question everything, not just the supernatural because everything we understand today has been developed in the presence of religion, even if it appears to be secular.

The lazy brain slips under the spell of culturally conditioned assumptions, foregone conclusions, first impressions, the false impression of being correct because one is among many like-minded individuals, and many commercially engineered cognitive dysfunctions.

There is a phase of transition to atheism where we discuss how our feelings changed from belief to non-belief. There are some of us who never really believed at all, like myself who lacks the brain chemistry to feel anything "spiritual" because of chronic anxiety.

There are many people who are susceptible to high levels of dopamine in their brains which trigger "spirituality." I call it euphoria. If the feeling is attributed to an icon, a statue, a prayer, or some other ritual, the feeling becomes inexorably linked with the imagery. This is the basics of operant conditioning and is called superstition.

Any stimulus associated with a specific thing or situation can trigger your brain to jump to conclusions. Welcome to the world of mass marketing.